While many social media sites battle it out to establish their cultural importance, Reddit doesn’t need to The numbers speak for themselves. The site makes it possible to keep your finger on the pulse of both mind-numbing and engaging topics all at once, and certain threads to reveal the best or the worst in people. In just a few clicks, scrolls, and refreshes, you can find yourself logging hours on the site. As with most sites that thrive on social interaction, Reddit is addictive and time-consuming. Though it started as a website that people didn’t really talk about publicly or in mixed company, Reddit now boasts over 1.66 billion users, and approximately 1.2 million subreddits (like I said, a subreddit for everything). The interface hearkens to a simpler time on the internet, when the fonts were a little ugly and the users didn’t care. The website layout is bare bones-no shiny new layout that changes every six months (although Reddit did change its front page in 2017 for the first time), no frequent upgrades or “must have” features pushed on users. There’s a subreddit for everything-if you haven’t found what you’re looking for, you probably aren’t looking hard enough. Reddit is one of the few still-used modern day message boards.